No. 3 (24) - 2024 / 2024-09-30 / Number of views: 54
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This study is aimed at analyzing the development of ecological tourism in the natural territories of the East Kazakhstan Region (EKR) through a systemic approach to the implementation of the national concept of sustainable economic development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The objective of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis and develop a strategy for the advancement of ecological tourism in this region. The research is based on the interrelation and influence of factors such as natural territories and tourist infrastructure. To achieve this objective, various research methods were employed, including the search for scientific materials across different platforms and a literature review on the research topic. The search for materials was conducted over three months, from January to May 2024. The research also incorporated both domestic and international experiences in sustainable tourism development. Additionally, the study involved a comparative analysis, SWOT analysis, and correlation-regression analysis of the impact of various tourism industry indicators on the region's GDP. The research findings emphasize the importance of preserving the natural and cultural heritage, as well as biodiversity, during the development of ecotourism, highlighting the significance of sustainable resource use, adherence to environmental standards, and principles of environmental responsibility. The study also underscores the critical role of local tour operators and the population in the development of ecotourism to preserve cultural heritage and ensure the sustainable development of ecological tourism in the East Kazakhstan Region, within the framework of the implementation of the sustainable economic development concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan.