No. 4 (25) - 2024 / 2024-12-31 / Number of views: 5
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The aim of this study was to examine the fatty acid composition of gluten-free foods for people with celiac disease using a first analytical approach. The basis of therapy is the complete exclusion of gluten from the daily diet. Today there are a number of gluten-free products available in stores from which celiac disease patients can choose, but these are still insufficient or expensive. Therefore, for people with these pathologies, it is very important that wheat flour can be replaced with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn and chickpeas and increases the relevance of the topic from a scientific point of view. Because this is due to the fact that the composition of these cereals does not contain gluten and the high nutritional and biological value of the products obtained from it make the research work relevant The high biological value of chickpea flour is assessed not only by its protein content, but also by the composition of amino acids and fatty acids.
This article discusses that the fatty acid composition of raw and processed chickpea flour, as well as products prepared from it, was studied by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. In this study, our approach to improve the suitability of chickpea flour for gluten-free confectionery production is based on enhancing the nutritional value of the flour through microwave thermal treatment. During the research, quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of chickpea flour and products made from it were studied. According to research results, it is believed that heat treatment of chickpea flour changes the composition of high-fatty acid components, which affects the nutritional value of the final product. However, in the process using heat treatment, the fatty acids, proteins and nutrients of chickpea flour and its products are retained in required quantities. However, chickpea flour and products made from it are a product of high biological and nutritional value, which makes it an attractive food product for functional nutritionists, for consumers on special diets and for people concerned about their health.
However, chickpea flour and products made from it are a product of high biological and nutritional value, which makes it an attractive food product for functional nutritionists, for consumers on special diets and for people concerned about their health.