No. 3 (24) - 2024 / 2024-09-30 / Number of views: 46
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HEX Pixhawk 2.1 CUBE ORANGE+ in combination with Mission Planner software package is used for effective motion control of unmanned aerial and swimming vehicles. The article aims to develop efficient methods of flight trajectory generation for USVs to improve the accuracy and safety of autonomous missions. This research aims to develop and validate methods of trajectory construction for unmanned vehicles and analyze the motion of mobile robots taking into account the impact of currents. Different flight parameters such as altitude, velocity, and heading are considered, as well as methods for controlling the USVs according to the given targets. Special attention is given to safety and the configuration of sensors and devices required for autonomous flight. The author's results include the development of trajectory planning algorithms, evaluation of the effect of currents on the robot's motion, and development of software to acquire and process seafloor data. Graphs and computational results demonstrating the effect of current velocity on robot trajectory are presented for visualization and analysis. Software development methods for acquiring and processing seabed depth data using HEX Pixhawk 2.1 CUBE ORANGE+ hardware and an echolocation device are also described. The obtained results have both theoretical and practical significance. In the theoretical aspect, the proposed methods allow us to control USVs more efficiently and analyze their behavior in different conditions. In practical terms, it opens new perspectives for seabed exploration and autonomous missions with high accuracy and safety.