No. 3 (24) - 2024 / 2024-09-30 / Number of views: 162
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Abstract. The article used machine learning algorithms to solve credit scoring problems. Methods of analysis, forecasting and determination of the solvency of individuals have been studied. In addition, the article compares and examines one of the current problems of banking systems, and also presents the results of data processing. The research results presented in the article showed the effectiveness of credit scoring in decision making and showed that their use can significantly increase the accuracy of forecasting the creditworthiness of individuals and improve the lending decision-making process. The research results presented in the article make an important contribution to the banking industry and solve the problems of decision-making on financing of individuals. Practical application of the results will help improve the lending process and reduce the risks of financial organizations. The authors of the article plan to continue research in this area.
Keywords: methods, technology, data, algorithm, analysis.