No. 4 (25) - 2024 / 2024-12-31 — Updated on 2024-12-31 / Number of views: 89
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As you know, traffic jams are one of the most negative factors of a modern city. Their negative impact extends to many aspects – such as logistics, productivity, ecology, and many others. Reducing the negative factors of traffic jams is a task that is solved by building an integrated system: people – transport infrastructure - vehicles, with maximum use of the latest information and control technologies. Such "advanced" systems have come to be called intelligent. Nowadays, transport management is a field that unites a whole range of scientific disciplines, such as: management theory, system analysis, geodetic support, theory of transport systems, information modeling, topological analysis, spatial knowledge.
Transport system management is a set of various measures aimed at the effective functioning of this system through coordination, organization, and ordering of the elements of this system, both among themselves and with the external environment. The Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is a management system that implements innovative developments for managing traffic flows. As a result of using such systems, we get the so-called "smart roads". The article examines one of the components of ITS – the smart traffic light system.