No. 4 (25) - 2024 / 2024-12-31 / Number of views: 20
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This article presents the results of studies of the geomechanical situation of modeling the stress-strain state of inter-chamber pillars left in the conditions of a collapsed zone with a displacement trough at the Annenskaya mine of the EZhM. The mining and geomechanical situation at the mines of the EZhM, including the Annenskaya mine, is very complex, which requires research in natural conditions and by the modeling method taking into account the stress-strain state to assess and justify the remaining reserves located in difficult mining conditions in the collapsed zone with a displacement trough of deposits of the Zhezkazgan deposit. In this regard, the implementation of research work necessitated the development of the remaining reserves in inclined deposits at an angle of 20 ° when developing a room and pillar system in the specified mining conditions.
The article is the result of scientific research with Kazakhmys Corporation LLP. completed in 2022 under the leadership of Bekbergenov D.K.