No. 4 (25) - 2024 / 2024-12-31 / Number of views: 60
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The purpose of this work is the technology of flotation enrichment of poor
This paper presents studies related to gravity-flotation enrichment of gold ores of the Vasilkovskoe deposit. According to technological studies, the average amount of gold in the ore is 5.8 g/t, and the amount of silver is about 2.1. g/t. The main ore minerals are pyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite.The average content of these minerals in the ore, according to mineralogical and X-ray diffraction analyses, was about 21.87% (total). The primary ore consists of quartz and quartz-chlorite-mica aggregates (2.71%) as the main rock-forming minerals. Based on the results of the research, it was established that the gold yield during the research was 7.04%, the total concentrate yield was 21.57%, and the composition was 24.78 g/t. At the same time, the amount of gold in the gravity residue is 2.4 g/t. A step-by-step study showed that for ore processing it is preferable to use a three-stage enrichment scheme using only gravity enrichment technology.At the first stage, 2.5 mm of ore was crushed, at the 2nd stage - 0.4 mm, at the 3rd stage - 0.2 mm. At the 1st stage of enrichment, jigging machines, concentration tables and screw separators are used.
The results of gravity-flotation enrichment of primary ore show the feasibility of using a combined gravity-flotation technological scheme. According to the flotation enrichment scheme, the following products were obtained from the primary enrichment of ore at pH -8.0: yield 14.53%, gold content 13.3 g/t of flotation concentrate (after II repurification); total gold recovery in gravity-flotation concentrate with a yield of 21.57% and Au content of 20.87 g/t, the amount of gold in the flotation tailings is 0.72 g/t;