No. 3 (16) - 2022 / 2022-09-30 / Number of views: 75
This article explores the problem of developing algorithms and production placement programs. The object of research is the processes of production location. The main tasks are: • analysis of the state of modern problems and main directions in the field of production location; • development of algorithms for solving the problem of production location; • development of a mathematical model and a production location program; • carrying out computational experiments on model examples. The relevance of the topic studied in the article is determined by the peculiarities of socio-economic processes in the regions and the choice of strategies for their development that ensure the national security of Kazakhstan, the need to find compromises in the system of social, economic, political priorities for the development of regions and the state as a whole. The increasing complexity and multifactorial nature of the tasks of regional development also testify to the relevance of what has been done, its scientific and practical significance. In the article, to determine the shortest distances and build lines that serve as a geometric model of optimal transport systems, I used the Steiner method. The developed program makes it possible to identify and predict the location of production, taking into account many socio-economic factors.