No. 1 (22) - 2024 / 2024-03-31 / Number of views: 94
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Educational immigration is of great social importance for the development of all countries of the world, including Kazakhstan. In particular, it has at least four main effects: social, political, demographic and economic. In improving the higher education system, the topic of knowledge migration is a relevant area of research, which focuses on the connection between student mobility and the quality of education. Such research promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience, enriches cultural diversity and improves higher education. This gives students access to a variety of educational resources and experiences in different countries. Positively assessing the current dynamics of increasing the number of foreign students studying in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is noted that in order to reach the level of leading countries in the world market of educational services, Kazakhstan needs to develop a concept for expanding the country’s competitiveness in the export of these services.