No. 3 (20) - 2023 / 2023-09-30 / Number of views: 95
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Currently, the situation with the sale of grain products of the Russian Federation by an external consumer is quite complicated. A large amount of grain products remains unclaimed and requires processing in the domestic market.
In this regard, the capacities of existing enterprises are not sufficient for storage and processing. To increase the processing of grain products, it is necessary to build new processing enterprises.
The technology of processing grain products requires the implementation of a number of safety-related measures, in particular with dust removal and dust protection. For the implementation of safety measures, the installation and installation of aspiration networks is carried out. The set of aspiration networks includes a large number of equipment and components. Aspiration networks of enterprises are a complex and responsible economy, on which the technological processes of functioning of the entire milling enterprise depend.
The calculation of aspiration networks, a rather laborious process currently carried out mainly manually, takes a long time. Automation of the design of aspiration networks, an urgent and in-demand necessity, both for Russia and all the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community.
The presented article shows the methodology for the development of a structural and functional model (SPM) of an automated aspiration network design system using the SADT, IDEF0 methodology. SFM is used in the development of an information logic model (IFM) and a program algorithm for calculating the aspiration network.