Current Issue

No. 4 (25) - 2024: Vestnik KazUTB
No. 4 (25) - 2024: Vestnik KazUTB
The purpose of the journal is to cover new ideas, problematic issues of science and technology, the latest developments and research for a wide range of specialists.
The objectives of the journal are to familiarize with the latest theoretical, technological, methodological and practical achievements of Kazakhstani and foreign authors, to acquire skills, competencies and experience in professional activities in order to prepare advanced training of specialists who meet modern requirements of society.
The founder and publisher of the journal is JSC "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"
The journal «Vestnik KazUTB» is registered with the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate of Registration (initial registration): No. 14139 – W dated February 07, 2014
Secondary registration of the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: No. KZ46VPY00020153 dated February 11, 2020
International Standard Serial Number ISSN (Print) 2708 – 4132, ISSN
(Online) 2663 – 1830
The journal is published 4 times a year, the languages are Kazakh, Russian, English.
Thematic focus of the journal:
- information and communication and chemical technologies;
- manufacturing and processing industries;
- economics, business and services.
The journal follows the policy of information openness and accessibility of authors' publications.
Currently, the scientific journal "Vestnik KazUTB" is included in the List of editions recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity in the following areas:
Manufacturing and processing industries: Mining and oil and gas engineering (order № 730 from 20.10.2023), Food technology (order № 101 from 25.01.2024);
Information and communication technologies (order № 1085 from 29.12.2023) and Сhemical technologies (order № 101 from 25.01.2024)
economics, business and services (order №694 from 06.08.2024)
ISSN (печатный) — 2708-4132 | ISSN (Online) — 2663-1830
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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Dear Authors,
Please note that all authors are required to provide their permanent, active digital identifier—ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)—when submitting materials.
If the article structure does not meet the journal’s requirements (Introduction -> Materials and Methods -> Results and Discussion -> Conclusions) or lacks author information and ORCID, the article will be returned.
about accepting articles
Acceptance of articles for publication (No. 4 - 2024)
Dear authors! There is a set of articles in the next issue (No. 4-2024) of the scientific journal "Vestnik KazUTB".
Articles are published in the following sections:
information and communication and chemical technologies;
manufacturing and processing industries; economics, business and services.
Articles will be accepted until October 15, 2024.
Экономика, бизнес и услуги
Научный журнал «Вестник КазУТБ» вошел в Перечень изданий, рекомендуемых Комитетом по обеспечению качества в сфере науки и высшего образования Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан для публикации основных результатов научной деятельности по следующим направлениям:
Информационно-коммуникационные технологии (приказ № 1085 от 29.12.2023 г.),
Химическая технология (приказ № 101 от 25.01.2024 г.),
Производственные и обрабатывающие отрасли: Горное и нефтегазовое дело (приказ № 730 от 20.10.2023 г. и Технология пищевых продуктов (Приказ № 101 от 25.01.2024 г.),
Экономика, бизнес и услуги (приказ № 694 от 06.08.2024)
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